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Power Prayer

"We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers…"
1 Thessalonians 1:1 – 4

As I begin this weekly mini-devotional series through the Thessalonian epistles, we of course
must begin at the beginning: Pauls’ greeting to these believers. Look at it closely with me for a
moment. What looks like a standard greeting, the kind which Paul used in most of his epistles
to churches, actually upon a second look bears a little gem: Paul cared for and prayed for his
churches, we know. But notice he did not do this alone, but as part of a team of committed
pastors. Note this letter is from "Paul, Silvanus and Timothy" 1:1 and that they all prayed for
the Thessalonians together. We can just envision them huddling together in a daily prayer circle
for the churches, with the confused and suffering Thessalonians on their hearts as pastors. This
reminds me that Paul knew there is special power in prayers prayed together with others; it
keeps us disciplined to pray and it concentrates the power and concern of other believers over
what you’re praying for. I am privileged each week to be in one or more meetings with spiritual
leaders in which we pray together for the church, and I am always uplifted by it. Let me ask
you, do you have at least one other believer that you can pray with over things and people that
matter in your world? No? Then why not begin to ask God for such a friend today… and don’t
stop asking until you find them.

Father, lead me even this week to someone who will partner with me in prayer. Even if it’s just a
moment of prayer in a break room, over the phone or in the lobby after church, bring me the
blessing of being with someone else in the journey of my prayer life. Make me an intercessor
with others, for Your glory. In Jesus name, Amen.
- Pastor Joe
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