V4th Community Groups
Community Groups at Valley Fourth Church are about finding a place to connect, belong, and grow. We recognize that God created us for community and doing life together. We would love to help you find a place to plug in and start getting to know people on a deeper level. Our Community groups meet on different days of the week and in different homes. Some meet weekly while others meet twice a month. Some of the groups have childcare as well. We will even start new groups if needed. If you are interested, fill out the sign up form and we will get in touch with you and let you know about the options.
On Campus Community Opportunities
It’s so easy to fill your schedule with stuff that has no real value. These Bible studies will help you identify what matters to God (and you) and then apply biblical wisdom to incorporate those activities into your busy life. Each session will address a topic that is important but often overlooked or wrongly engaged.
There are a number of on-campus opportunities to experience Biblical Community. Click the links below to learn more
- Christian Life Classes on Sunday Mornings
- Women's Ministry on Tuesday Mornings and Evenings
- Men's Ministry on Monday Nights
Acts 2:42-47
Biblical Community Basics
"And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching"
Groups have an element of leaning from the Bible. Some use video based teaching and others go though study books or books of the Bible.
Groups have an element of leaning from the Bible. Some use video based teaching and others go though study books or books of the Bible.
"And they devoted themselves to ... the fellowship"
Genuine fellowship and connection to one other is fostered in our groups. This is a place to be who you are.
Genuine fellowship and connection to one other is fostered in our groups. This is a place to be who you are.
Sharing Food
"They received their food with glad and generous hearts"
Relational connection and trust is fostered by sharing food together. Groups always have snacks and sometimes have meals.
Relational connection and trust is fostered by sharing food together. Groups always have snacks and sometimes have meals.
"And they devoted themselves to ... the prayers"
Group members count it a great privilege to pray for one another, both at group meetings and during the week.
Group members count it a great privilege to pray for one another, both at group meetings and during the week.
"And awe came upon every soul"
Some groups may sing together, but there is a deeper worship and trust for God that develops out of spending time in the Bible in community.
Some groups may sing together, but there is a deeper worship and trust for God that develops out of spending time in the Bible in community.
"Distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need"
If anyone has a need we believe that their small group should work together to help meet the need.
If anyone has a need we believe that their small group should work together to help meet the need.
Meet in Homes
"Attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes"
We intentionally seek to meet in homes following the early church pattern of corporate worship together on the weekend and smaller gatherings in homes during the week.
We intentionally seek to meet in homes following the early church pattern of corporate worship together on the weekend and smaller gatherings in homes during the week.
"The Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved."
We desire that group would always have an empty chair, praying about and inviting friends, neighbors, and coworkers to join their group.
We desire that group would always have an empty chair, praying about and inviting friends, neighbors, and coworkers to join their group.

Sign up for a Community group
We'd love to get you connected to a small group in your area. Fill out the form below to get started.
Community groups help people grow in their faith and build community. Our groups take place throughout the week in different neighborhoods, so use this form to find a group that's right for you. We'd love to have you join us!