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“For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.”  
Isaiah 56:7

Why do we pray together? 

Praying together as God’s people is a deeply held value and a rich tradition here at Valley Fourth Church. Prayer opportunities exist in virtually all of our on-campus and off-campus communities and ministries all week long. However, we set aside a number of opportunities each week and month on-campus to intentionally seek the face of God and bring our petitions before Him in prayer.

Prayer Gatherings

Drawing Nearer

Every Saturday from 9:00am-10:15am a group of women come together for what we call "Worship Based Prayer." This is a meaningful time of prayer where we praise God for who He is and what He has done. If you desire a more intimate relationship with God, come to this Women's Worship Based Prayer meeting. We meet in the Upper Level Conference Room in the CE Building. Come join us!


Once every other month we have an opportunity for men and women to gather from across our congregation to seek God’s face in Scripture-based, worship-driven prayer together.  It’s also an opportunity for you to gather in small groups as well to have your personal needs brought before the Lord, and to intercede for the needs of others in our church family and those in need of the Gospel. Engage is an intimate time of praise and intercession. This gathering happens on a Sunday evening in our worship center.