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Weekly Youth Group

Join us every Wednesday  6:30pm-8:00pm
Discipleship, Fellowship, and Biblical Teaching.
We teach our Jr. and Sr. high students the Bible to build up a faithful community of disciples. In that community we grow in fellowship with each other and relationship with Jesus.  At youth group we plan to build a solid biblical foundation  for the students that the parents can use to further disciple their students.
Following the Great Commission, our goal is to make disciples. A disciple is a follower of Jesus, who grows in their love for God and love for others.  Our love for God leads us to love others and a desire to see them come to love God and follow Him with us.

Weekly Bible Study

Contact Pastor John below for more information
Are you a middle or high school student and looking to learn more about your Bible and how to study it? We will look into methods to studying and getting the most from God's Word.

Camp Ministry

Join us for this year camps!
Camp ministry plays a strategic role in our youth ministry. For many students, our camp ministry provides an opportunity for them to trust in Jesus for the very first time. For others, it is the event that allows them to recommit their lives to Jesus. Or, camp was the setting where they experienced tremendous growth in their relationship with God. Whatever the case may be, camp consistently helps students build a closer relationship with God and others. 

Contact Us

Have a question or want more information on our ministry, complete form below and we will get back to you shortly.