"She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come." Proverbs 31:25
We have a number of different ministries specifically tailored for women. Each on is focused on teaching and understanding the Bible better as well as building deep friendships with other Christian women.

Morning & Evening Classes - Led by Tina Pursch
Precepts is an in-depth bible study that equips a believer to dig out the riches of God’s Word for themself. It is a method that brings you directly to the Word of God, your guidebook for all life. If you have any question or would like to join our study, contact Tina Pursch at 509-222-0014

Several Weekly Study Groups Available
God's Word is the focus in all of our studies and groups which leads to Worship of our Lord Jesus Christ, so get plugged into one of our many women's ministries here at Valley 4th Church and connect with other believers that will help build your faith and love of our Savior.

Activities & Fellowship
Our women's ministry is always active and keeping busy with activities and events that gives our women opportunity to serve one another and fellowship to grow our faith together!

Annual Women's Retreat
Held at Ross Point, a highly recommended camp and conference center located right on the Spokane River in Post Falls. It features extensive grounds with many choices of accommodations, including dormitory-style cabins that sleep up to 12, and motel-style rooms for 2-3 women each.

Annual Christmas Dessert
As we celebrate the season of the precious birth of our Lord, the Women's ministry hosts a beautiful event in our sanctuary that is specially setup for this event. Offering live music, elegant desserts and wonderful fellowship it is a must go each year.

Women's Prayer Group
We believe prayer changes things! What a great God we have who has given us the gift of being His child so we can speak to Him at anytime, in fact He commands it. Join us in praying for our people, our church and our community.