Lesson 4

AAA Pt. 1 "Admire/Acknowledge"

In this lesson we move from "what to share" to "how to share" by talking about the conversation method of ASK-ADMIRE-ADMIT otherwise known as Triple A (AAA). This Second lesson focuses entirely on how to keep a gospel conversation from turning into an argument by finding areas in a person's belief system that you can admire or acknowledge an element of truth.

The goal of this lesson is to learn how to keep a conversation positive and while also not compromising on the truths of the Gospel. 

Lesson 3

AAA Pt. 1 "Ask Good Questions"

In this lesson we move from "what to share" to "how to share" by talking about the conversation method of ASK-ADMIRE-ADMIT otherwise known as Triple A (AAA). This first lesson focuses entirely on how to Ask good questions in order to begin a Gospel conversation.

The goal of this lesson is to learn how to ask good questions, discover how to be a better listener, and how to transition from natural questions into spiritual questions. 

Lesson 2

G.O.S.P.E.L. Pt 2

In this lesson we finish our introduction to the G.O.S.P.E.L. acronym that we will use to share the message of Jesus Christ. We take an in-depth look at the last three letters in the acronym:

P--aying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again.
E--veryone who trusts in Him ALONE has eternal life.
L--ife with Jesus starts now and last FOREVER. 

The goal of this lesson is to fill in the theology between each of the statements above as we prepare to have conversations with people. 

Lesson 1

G.O.S.P.E.L. Pt 1

In this lesson we are introduced to the G.O.S.P.E.L. acronym that we will use to share the message of Jesus Christ. We take an in-depth look at the first three letters in the acronym:

G--od created us to be with Him.
O--ur sins separate us from God.
S--ins cannot be removed by good deed.

The goal of this lesson is to fill in the theology between each of the statements above as we prepare to have conversations with people.